Tolu Minerals unveils significant polymetallic potential at Mt Penck
–News Direct–
Tolu Minerals Ltd (ASX:TOK) managing director and CEO Iain Macpherson sits down with Proactives Jonathan Jackson to discuss recently re-evaluated historical drill results from the Mt Penck Project in Papua New Guinea, revealing substantial intersections of gold, copper, lead and zinc, marking a significant shift in the project's perceived potential. Previously regarded primarily as a gold and silver prospect, Mt Penck now emerges as a key polymetallic site. The historical data highlights include polymetallic feeder zones with notable assays such as 2 metres at 2.05 g/t gold, 43 g/t silver, more than 1% lead, and 7.4% zinc from 27 metres, including 1 metre at 2.36 g/t gold and 65.1 g/t silver from 28 metres. Another remarkable intersection was 6 metres at 9.08 g/t gol...