Filing Your North Carolina DBA Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for Small Business Owners
Starting a business journey in North Carolina is like tapping a pot of gold. The best-in-class business-friendly climate, the most tax-friendly policies in the nation, and the booming economy serve as fertile ground for the entrepreneurial dream to come alive. If you are a small business owner with a desire to operate under a name that rings more with your brand than your legal business name, then filing for a North Carolina DBA is where to go. A DBA, or “Doing Business As,” frees you to create a unique identity for your business, which helps you to relate better with your customers and run your business professionally. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to file the North Carolina DBA form.
What Is a DBA and Why Do You Need One?
A DBA is “doing business as,” but it is also known as an ass...